Archive for February, 2009

George Washlincoln’s Birthday

Pixelated’s Hard Hitting Interview with Captain O

Today’s comic was based (vaguely) on actual events. See, the Prez came to my town Thursday for about 17 minutes, most of which was spent at a Caterpillar plant giving a speech. So here’s a comic about him at a Cat plant getting grilled by Angela Anonymous, ace reporter for the Non-Existent Times.

Hmm, looks like the Obaminator is the first U.S. President to know what a fansub is..

I’m Giving up Pecan Pie

The President is coming to town!

No, really – he is. The O-Man’s headed toward my neck of the woods tomorrow. I wonder if he’ll stop at Sterling Family Restaurant like Dubya did?

Speaking of “Baby Bush”, look what showed up the instant I uploaded today’s comic. Thanks, Google Ads!

Oh, and that ‘Bama comic I promised eons ago? It’s coming soon (really!) Of course, it’ll have to be changed slightly, seein’ as the inauguration’s over and done with…