Posts Tagged ‘Michael Jackson’

Space Michael

I recieved an issue of Sonic the Hedgehog in the mail the day Michael Jackson died, so here’s a post about that one time Michael and Sonic crossed paths.

As some of you may know, Michael Jackson composed the music to Sonic 3… er, kinda-maybe. Read more about it here (it’s looooooooo-o-o-ng!)

The gist:
Sega wanted Jackson to create the music for their new Sonic game, but cut ties with him after the scandal. Sega then brought in their own musicians to finish the soundtrack. MJ’s own music was either tossed out completely or “reworked”, or something.. maybe.

Now, that wasn’t confusing at all, was it??


I’m sure you’ve heard by now.

I plan to make a post here on Michael Jackson later, seeing as he was the most relevant of the three to my life.